About Afa Fastigheter

Afa Fastigheter

Afa Fastigheter is one of the largest property owners in Stockholm. We own and manage a large number of office, residential and hotel properties mainly in the city centre of Stockholm.

Several of our properties are landmarks in the centre of Stockholm and are of important cultural heritage and our clients range from quality hotels and global businesses to smaller entrepreneurs. We all share the same ambition; we strive to make Stockholm a city where people can live, work and enjoy themselves.

Managing properties is our way of securing important economic assets at the same time as taking social responsability.


Facts about us 

About us 23-24


Afa För­säkring

Afa Försäkring is owned by Sweden's labour market parties: the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO) and The Council for Negotiation and Co-operation (PTK).

Our insurances provide compensation in the event of illness, occupational injury, lack of work, death and parental leave. Today, almost 90 percent of everyone who works in Sweden, 5.1 million people, is covered by at least one of our insurances.

Our capital is invested responsibly to provide a return that both secures future compensation and contributes to low and long-term stable premiums for our policyholders. We meet people's need for financial security in working life at a low cost.


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